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 RD changelog 0.99d

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RD changelog 0.99d Empty
PostSubject: RD changelog 0.99d   RD changelog 0.99d Icon_minitimeSun Sep 06, 2009 12:34 am

-Many now have mana.
Stacked Residence can now be used to hide in, with more room than houses. Same for Hut, with same room as house.

-Capture now requires being really in the middle of the operator, and flying units can no longer capture.
-Operators are now called Control points. Description improved but you would hardly ever notice it anyways.
Guardian of the operator is now Guardian.

-Bloodsucking (Vampire) is now innate, in the Vampiric King abilities menu.
It now lasts much longer on units, much shorter on heroes, and deals much more damage/second.
The rejuvenation no longer requires the victim to be a King, but Kings give greater rejuv.
Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds.
-Vampiric King skills renamed Vampiric King abilities. It now has a hotkey aswell.
-Vampire now has (once again) the Bloodthirst hero ability (rebalanced), to replace Bloodsucking among the hero skills.

-Dayburn is now fully triggered, allowing further improvements in the future.
It now deals damage based on %hp, meaning vampires with higher max hp such as those who bought meta armor, will die as fast (from daylight) as others.
SFX for it changed, for a better one imo.
Damage is now dealt per 0.5 second intervals instead of 1 second, no longer cause the vampire to randomly run around, and is now equal to 14% of his max hp/second.

-Removed many distracting but unnecessary units from some minigames, to let players focus on what's important.

-The automated burn on vampires is no longer active before actual game start, but is during vampire tutorial.

-New item Cloak of isolation, allows vampire to walk around by daytime, but they may not attack or use any abilities, and are slower.
Sold by Merchant.

-Bag extension no longer has a restock delay.
It is no longer sold at the Merchant (non-consumables seller)

-Fixed descriptions for all books.

-Fixed descriptions for all bows.

-Fixed text for the Void Blade.

-Fixed salamander skin not being classified as an armor (for item restrictions).


-Common basic abilites menus now have a hotkey: X.
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