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 RD changelog 0.98h

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Join date : 2008-05-27

RD changelog 0.98h Empty
PostSubject: RD changelog 0.98h   RD changelog 0.98h Icon_minitimeSat Aug 22, 2009 11:50 pm

-typo fixes

-Basic critical, the one that everything uses, now has 3% increased chance at all levels.

-Updated texts of all sword weapons, since they have no critical of any sort anymore. Also added the restriction description.
-Sword damages were increased by 20 to make up for the loss of criticals.
-Bag extension no longer has a base cost, total cost remain the same. Cooldown between buys is gone.
-Fixed Holocaust. Yea i noticed it wasnt actually giving the 80% ias bonus. Now it does.

-Training dummies now absord all firendly damage except 1 point. Before, it was 300 absorbed, 10 passing through.
Now with just 1auto-repairer you'll be able to train an army.
-Also improved the tooltip description for both training dummies, and their special effects.

-Dead players are considered allies by all.

-Fixed units being paused at end when mode was east vs west.
-Fixed minigame 8.
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RD changelog 0.98h
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