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 RD changelog 0.99i

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Join date : 2008-05-27

RD changelog 0.99i Empty
PostSubject: RD changelog 0.99i   RD changelog 0.99i Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2009 5:55 am

-Players now start the game spread equally around the center.
That means now, you need to find a spot to build first, then you settle a base.
There are more than enough gold mines for everyone, not to mention you don't absolutely need a gold mine anyways.

-A new triggered mechanism was added to Antirush: player units are invulnerable.
That solves some problems.
-Antirush now has a timer displayed top right of the screen.
-It now lasts much longer (1 day).

-Some start texts that were showing up all at once were separated.

-Moved tutorial area for players who were in bizarre spots.

Terrain overhaul
-The central island is now a neutral town.
It is now directly llinked to all continents.
Most other links between continents were removed.

-Continents are now bigger (hence the new name, they no longer look like islands at all).
-The tiny islands between continents no longer exist (and whatever was on them too).
-The sea/rivers now look much deeper.

-Areas are now much better defined, with fewer and smaller entrances, and usually wide room inside the area.
That makes it easier to build in areas of your choice, and easier+more useful to build walls and towers to defend them.

-Walkable river parts are now much easier to differenciate from impassable ones.

-Grottos and eggs no longer look like shops on the minimap.

-Gold mines can now be exploited by 2 units at once (2 civilians inside the mine at the same time)
-Gold mines now have less gold at start (8000. Now tiggered)
-Time spent in the mine while mining reduced by 25%.
-Mines should now be exploitable by multiple players at once.

Kings a.k.a heroes
-Experience gain is faster: less XP required for levelup, more XP based on enemy unit level given.

-You can now learn aoe damage spells only once every 2 levels.

-Re-synchronized their attack damage and attack speed with the unit they are based off.
This results in noticeably better attack for all of them (vampire the most, the recent rebalance had screwed him up much).

-Slightly increased Shockwave damage and cooldown. Improved tooltip.

*Archer Kings
-Nerfed Flaming Arrows, now it makes sense compared to the regular unit one. It was totally imba.

*Magus Kings
-Reduced damage, cooldown and manacost of Burning Spear.

-Fixed his spell's manacosts with the new general formula.
-Bat Legion buffed: cooldown lower at all levels, manacost now decreases. Fixed tooltip.
You can now learn it only once every 2 levels.
-Totally rebalanced Dark Wind (except damage).

-Houses and Royal residence no longer produce any single point of food.
-Marketplace is now a requisite for House and Royal residence.
Marketplace tooltip much improved.

-Bookshelf now requires Council.
You can no longer sell items to a bookshelf.
-Plagueleaves and Well now require Nature.
-Sentry and Guard towers now require Archery camp.
-Council now requires lumbermill.

*Civilian now builds the walls (horizontal and vertical) and Sentry towers.

*Social builder now builds Stacked residences.
-Stacked residences now require town center.

-Walls no longer dissipate blight.
-Fixed social builder armor (now same as civilian, = 0 ).

-Planting and Gem exploitation are now Instant Researches (this is sort of a new concept).

-Politics buttons relocated.
-Ballistics & height renamed: Ballistics.

-Blacksmith evolution buttons relocated.

*Engineer no longer builds: the walls; Sentry tower; Stacked residence.
-Now builds: Guard tower; Glorious flag; The Arches of Triumph.

*Military scientist no longer builds: the walls; Guard tower; Glorious flag; The Arches of triumph.

-Animals storage now has same requisites as beastiary.

-Naturalist no longer builds Sentry tower.


-Updated interface for gold and the day/night cycle.

-Building menu icons relocated for civilians, social builders, engineers, military scientists.

-Improved/fixed many tooltips (vampire...) and stats (buildings...).

-Improved some King animations.

-Removed the lag created by spice harvest.

-Gunner training cost rebalanced.

removed obso trigs
mapcentr point
hotk sufix obj edit

Last edited by Dj0z on Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:29 pm; edited 56 times in total
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)

Posts : 193
Join date : 2009-04-20
Age : 31
Location : In La La land on tuesdays and atop the highest mountain on wensdays.

RD changelog 0.99i Empty
PostSubject: Re: RD changelog 0.99i   RD changelog 0.99i Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2009 6:35 am

I will see how it goes.
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