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 Changelog Avatar beta 0.18

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Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog Avatar beta 0.18 Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Avatar beta 0.18   Changelog Avatar beta 0.18 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 3:10 am


-Sentinel's tooltip now mentions that the tree must be visible, that range is unlimited, and that there is a travelling time.
-Monsoon's and Pandoraquake's tooltips now tell whether or not they give sight, and affect enemies out of sight.
-Root embrace's tooltip now mentions the damage per second.

-Reduced metal extractor's model size, for easier placing.
-Corp Worker tooltip now tells that Unobtanium minerals are the purple rocks.
-HQ's tooltip now mention that the limit (1 per player) is "at once", as in, you can rebuild it if destroyed.
-Remove dead trees' tooltip now explains (colored) that it allows you to build over these areas, and that thes trees will stop regrowing.
Also now has a funtext.
-Big bertha: Added a know graphic glitch notification, and a fun text.


-Sentinel: lowered manacost.
-Root embrace: lowered cooldown, doubled dps.

Food production and building time reduced.
Removed cooldown on Lifeform detector
Increased cast point very slightly.

-New model for Thanator (by Sellenisko).
It also now has team color.
-Changed icon for Thanator.

-Fixed a major bug accidentaly created in 0.17, that disabled "Gather Unobtanium" for Corp players, making it pretty slow for them to get gold at start. (found by cleavinghammer)
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Changelog Avatar beta 0.18
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