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--- Halted mapping. ---


 Changelog Avatar beta 0.39

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Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog Avatar beta 0.39 Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Avatar beta 0.39   Changelog Avatar beta 0.39 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 29, 2010 9:54 am

-Improved infobox for ISV.
-Added a "Play as Corp" and a "Play as Avatar" entry in F9.

-Lowered foodcost for some Corp vehicles that costed alot of it.

-Totally reworked
-Map enlarged, now classified as "epic" size (old was "immense").
--Playable ground:
-No longer reaches the map's edges.
-Is now shaped like a circle.
-Is now surrounded by the ocean.
-Is now covered by a sky.
-Now has more forest-less areas (more easily buildable).
-Has alot more cliffs and uncrossable grounds.

--The Hallelujah Mountains
-Now surround eywa's shrine.
-They are now actually flying, yet still buildable, walkable etc.
-Added a lake below them.
--Eywa's shrine
Now relatively closer to the center of the map
Now higher (the highest place in the map)

-New model for Space Drop Pod. (model by ikillforeyou, special thanks)

-Underground Passageway renamed: Hidden Passageway.

-Fixed SMG x1 users from causing the wrong effect when supposed to score an "air miss"/"ground miss".

imported dj0z abyss tile.
new sound variables for environment and such
new doodads + made and added rock doodads

removed all terrain areas that were below 0 Zheight, did it fix the day/night bug?

added sky (experimental)
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Changelog Avatar beta 0.39
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