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--- Halted mapping. ---


 Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1")

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Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1") Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1")   Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1") Icon_minitimeMon Aug 16, 2010 2:54 am

-Quest cinematics are now skippable.

-Eywa's multiboard now displays the map's name and version number like other multiboards, instead of "quests".
-Customized the "Not enough wood"-like error messages.

-Shortened many tooltips and quest texts, removed some unnecessary ones.
-Improved tip for first avatar quest.
-Changed tip for first Corp quest.
-Improved tooltip for Energy Discharge.
-Drop Job Equipment renamed: Drop Job Gear.

-Modified location of some icons.

-Made some hotkeys more intuitive.

-ISVs and Quest Tellers are no longer selected at start.

-New unit: Seed.
It gathers wood from trees and repairs structures.

-Has Hometree protection.

--Spirit: reworked.
-It is no longer given upon meeting the Na'vi.
-It no longer gathers/builds anything.
-It is now the one and only way to resurrect your Avatar:
That must be done near a Hometree or the Tree Of Souls.
You get one when you die, and it disappears when you resurrect.

-Inverted the order in which Interact unlocks items from big animals, and items from small flying animals.

-Reduced amount of units and unit-types they start with.
They no longer start with any type of Worker.

-Workers can no longer exploit Unobtanium.
-AMP Workers can build Barracks.
-AMP Security Leader, AMP Private, AMP Medic can no longer directly attack trees (which did almost nothing anyways).

-New unit: Drone. (model by DonDustin)
-They gather Unobtanium.
All defenses are now built by them, and no longer built by Workers/AMP Workers.

--Officers (heroes):
They now have "small" armor type.
Hero abilities other than Recon Shellcam and Chromatic Blender cannot be learned before level 3.
New basic ability: Nanorestoration Cloud.
-Commander: New ability: Electric Cremation.

-New Unob-Upgrade: Drone Burrow.


-Lowered amount of Powerstones, and the corresponding requirements.
-Increased mana income per stone.
-Lightning Strike: increased manacost.

-They start with more resources.
-Battle Rage: manacost reduced.
-Spirit: speed and sight range reduced.

--Officers (heroes):
They are no longer made/resurrected instantly. It now takes as much time as resurrecting an Avatar of the same level.
Recon Shellcam: lowered manacost and AoE, reworked cooldown.
Chromatic Blender: lowered cooldown and level required, increased duration.
Damage and Bonus damage from energy discharge increased.

-Changed soundset for Mantis Quattro.

-Metal Foundry is now slightly smaller.

-1 new name for Commander.
-Changed hotkey for Chromatic Blender.
-Moved "Drive an AMP suit" into the Officer Special Menu.

-A few improvements that were not registered.

-Fixed non-Corps from being able to declare war to the Na'vi.
-When killing a Na'vi unit without attacking it, war is declared still.

-Fixed hotkey collisions in Unob-Upgrades Logistics Menu.

-Updated Infoboxes about piercing damage on medium armor.

multiboards renamed multiboard_a
targ var instead of targetunitofabilbeingcast in clan leadership
erased old discover units and old setup bonuses

bool hasskippedcurrentcine
bool iswatchingacine

establish a base objectives pt1 (and the likes) renamed establish a base pt1 done
spirit race orc
avatarhero_p defined for corps upon training

Last edited by Dj0z on Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:58 am; edited 61 times in total
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Colossus class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Colossus class)

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Age : 27

Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1") Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1")   Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1") Icon_minitimeMon Aug 16, 2010 6:20 pm

Dayumn, you've been gone for the whole day. I can only guess how long the changelog's gonna get when you come Very Happy
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Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1") Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1")   Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1") Icon_minitimeMon Aug 16, 2010 7:33 pm

Erm actually i've been retrieving all the sleep i should have gotten in the past days, so no, it's not gonna be very long. But at least i'll be mapping with a restful brain :-) and hopefully i'll manage to understand how that goddamn multiboard works...
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Colossus class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Colossus class)

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Join date : 2009-03-07
Age : 27

Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1") Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1")   Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1") Icon_minitimeTue Aug 17, 2010 6:08 am

Ah kk Smile
Surprised that multiboard really is a pain in the ass eh? I never knew how even the simplest worked so I can't really even try to help ya here : |
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Flash Poster
Flash Poster

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Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1") Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1")   Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1") Icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 6:11 pm

BTW just wondering, 0.45 will be Quests part 2, but you stalled the Riders part 2 which part 1 was released in 0.42 I believe. So just asking, after finishing up with the quests, will you also be wrapping up the Riding system in 0.46?
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Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1") Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1")   Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1") Icon_minitime

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Changelog Avatar beta 0.44 (a b) ("Quest part 1")
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