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 Changelog Avatar beta 0.47 (a b) ("Rider Part 2")

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Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog Avatar beta 0.47 (a b) ("Rider Part 2") Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Avatar beta 0.47 (a b) ("Rider Part 2")   Changelog Avatar beta 0.47 (a b) ("Rider Part 2") Icon_minitimeThu Aug 26, 2010 6:25 am

-Some text improvements.

-Discover and Interact are no longer totally hidden at start, they are greyed out instead.


-Hometrees can now train Seeds.
-Shamans: New aura: Shamanic Songs.

-Discover is now located in the Quest Teller, no longer in the Avatar.
Its range still starts where the Avatar is.
-Charisma is now in the Quest Teller too.

It is now possible on Ikrans, Thanators and Titanotheres, and still on Toruks.
You can (once again) attack from your mount.

-Ikran Pickaxe:
No longer destroyed upon use.
Now with a cooldown.
Now deals damage upon active use: 10% of max HP.
-Interact on Na'vi units now gives +1 Knowledge of Na'vis.

-Success in the "Use Nanorestoration Cloud" quest is no longer required to Space Drop a Squad.
This solves the problem of kamikazes suiciding in the jungle at the very start.
-There no longer is a "Disable" quest, you go straight to "Metal" after "Drop Squad".

-New unit: Airdrone
Flying drones. Can be used as kamikazes.
-New Unob-upgrade: Double Layer.
It replaces "Request Snipers", which was bugged.
-New research: Heavy Weaponry.
This research is now the requisite for war vehicles, instead of the Tech Center itself.

-Firebat & AMP Firebat: damage is now 50% splashed on things around the target.
Now made with autorepair activated.

-Slightly lowered respawn times of animals.

-Buildings are made much slower.
-Seeds gather wood much slower.
-Units are made faster.

Lowered range of Blood Curse.
Reduced acquisition range.
Totally reworked their attack, which is now ranged.

-Secret Passages: cooldown slightly reworked.
-Interact now requires more herolevels before you can upgrade it.
Range increased.
XP gain reduced.

-Thanator Clan upgrade bonus hp increased.

-Researches other than Superior ISV Design don't get longer for higher levels.
-ISV: increased movement speed.
-Metal Fences: no longer cost dollars.

-Worker & his AMP: movement speed increased.
-AMP soldiers: movement speed decreased.
-Rocket trooper & his AMP:
Projectile speed decreased.
Firing rate decreased.

-Slightly modified position of rider on Toruk.

-Drones: armor sound type changed to metal.

-Made map filesize slightly smaller.

-Fixed default rotation of panoramic cam (-camp).

-Ikran and Toruk: collision size now 32 (same as avatar riding).

-Unlock Drone Burrow renamed: Unlock Battle Drones.

-Fixed Taunting not requiring Thanator Clan.
-Fixed Superior ISV Design from not actually increasing movement speed.
-Probably fixed the "repeated win by leavers" glitch.


erased dragonberith.blp, nagapredatorby67chrome.blp,
the old dj0znavihuntressskin.blp which was still there,
cityscapepine.mdx (not djrecentered),
Bron_v1.4.mdx, everwoodtree.mdx,
sam-rocket.mdx, scouttower.mdx

huntress model now highelfarcher
changed skin path to match

creaturesridden renamed riddenthings_air
vjassinit adjust_thanator
torukridingspontaneous renamed ridingspontaenous

special menus constant icon positions
erased ampsuitArchive
erased everwoodtree

avatarriding restored
disabled crowform in both avatarmodes
init disablecrowform & specialmenuhidden for readding
unit QuestTeller_P for avatars

embarkrider castingtime 0.1
started removing avatarfused condition checks
ingameplayernumberofplayer now defined from 1 to 16,
fixes recent crash.

individual ground and air riding trig groups.
toruk riding renamed: ride air
toruk riding dismount (and the likes) renamed:
riding air dismount (and the likes)
vjass adjust_toruk, adjust_ikran, rawcode_ikran

HTed ikran atatckground lowerheight on toruk basis
heroavatarP renamed officialhero_P
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Changelog Avatar beta 0.47 (a b) ("Rider Part 2")
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