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 Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1)

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Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1) Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1)   Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 4:14 pm

-Improved and shortened some tooltips.

-Animal Control now displays the manacost everytime it is paid, above the Tree Of Souls.

-Clarified the tooltip text for the Hero passive.
-Improved tooltip for Episoth Bulb.


No longer have transporting capability. They can still be ridden by Avatars.

-Animal Control:
Now stops whenever you don't have enough mana for it.
Now grants the controlled animal greater resistance while controlled.

-Riding system:
You no longer lose anything, since your hero remains the actual rider.
Rider is now invulnerable and cannot attack.
The rider is no longer exactly on the middle of the ridden unit, making him easier to click.
-Puffball Bulbs: less pellets per shot.

-Big Bertha now has Overclocking.

-Lowered damage multiplier of piercing attacks on medium armors.

Higher unit-level, higher attack speed especially vs ground.
Cooldown on "Embark Rider" is longer.
-Titanothere: higher unit-level.

-Animal Control: higher manacost and cooldown.
-Summon Atokirina' : increased cooldown.

-Episoth Bulb: lasts longer, deals less damage, reduces armor more.

-Increased frequency of auto-deforestation orders.
-MLRS now shoots earlier.
-Scorpions: lower foodcost.

-Toruk: is smaller, larger selection circle, flies lower.
-Restored Animal Control's SFX when casted.

-Changed icon for Charisma
-Changed icon for Transfer Unit.

-Improved coding for abilities dealing with destructibles.
-Improved coding for the custom riding system.

-MLRS can no longer "attack" trees with a normal attack order, which did nothing anyways.
You can still use the Attack Ground Once ability to destroy them.

-Fixed units set on Deforestation mode from acting funnily near cliffs and mountains.
-Fixed Episoth Bulbs from not working.

-Fixed riding system of all bugs regarding transfer of any stats, cooldowns and some other things to riding mode.
-Fixed some holes in the unplayable area.

-Floating texts like income from Metal Extractors, Unobtanium exploitation and such, should no longer be visible by enemies.
-Hostile Detector: Fixed color of unit pings being not as advertised.

regrow trees setup renamed trees setup
integer treetypes_amount
mlrscustproj hitground & tankcustproj hitrground no longer try to hit pathing blockers

lightning strike ignore locusteds and dummyvictims

toruk riding local xr yr (cos sin bjdegtorad) face dist
added avatar marine riding to charisma trig

fixed name for activate attack1 (true was 2).

avatar-riding obso
HTflyingheights now flushed whenever appropriate

toruksridden renamed creaturesridden

Last edited by Dj0z on Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Flash Poster
Flash Poster

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Join date : 2010-08-06
Location : Toronto

Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1)   Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1) Icon_minitimeThu Aug 12, 2010 10:01 am

Interesting.. Give me a heads up when you're gona test this.
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Posts : 926
Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1)   Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1) Icon_minitimeThu Aug 12, 2010 2:45 pm

Currently being tested, i had set the bot on autohosting before going to sleep. Now i'm gonna go check if players found anything disturbing in the meantime, and if not, i'm releasing it.
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Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1)   Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1) Icon_minitime

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Changelog Avatar beta 0.42 (Rider part 1)
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