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 Changelog 0.70 (post-revival cleanup and user-friendliness)

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Changelog 0.70 (post-revival cleanup and user-friendliness) Empty
PostSubject: Changelog 0.70 (post-revival cleanup and user-friendliness)   Changelog 0.70 (post-revival cleanup and user-friendliness) Icon_minitimeTue Dec 15, 2009 1:12 pm

-Colossus levelers are now visible, both the normal one and the one for the evolution.
They are still invulnerable and still don't interact with other units except of course their Colossus.
-Colossus levelers' names are now more explanative.
-Buttons in leveler moved for clearer purpose finding.

-The warning message when someone hits "escape" during a cinematic is now more diplomatic.

-Improved tooltip for "Jump and Crush", Leveler infobox, Creatures menu, Structures menu, Fury.
-Improved name for (new names: )
Colossus basic Menu, Arctic Colossus menu and all other evolved Colossi menus;
Creatures menu (old materializations menu) for Colossi and KJ, Structures menu (old summoning menu);
Luxpillars (old pillars of light) of a Town Dome/of the Well Dome.

-Uncapitalized some allcapped statements.

-The limitation that prevented Colossi from summoning too close to a human unit (within 600 range) was removed.

-At the very beginning, it should now be more obvious that the red noisy flaming thing is a Colossus flying.

-During the summoning of the Scutum Patriarcus (the whole Dome shield system), more luxpillars are now shown, and their roles, especially with the Domes, is made more obvious.
-Briefings improved in the whole introduction for both Chaos and Human teams.

-Relic defiling and Hero death cutscenes no longer turns cinematic mode ON for players ( -> no more temporary control loss of units, and no cancelling of what you were writing).
It still moves your camera to show you the event.

-Upon evolving, Colossi no longer cause a sudden lag spike.

-Cooldown on "Jump and crush" (Colossus basic spell) increased to 25 seconds (old: 12) at level 1. Upgrading it now reduces cooldown by 2 seconds (instead of 1).


intro: telepathycam: slightly off compared to the center of the region.
far clipping upped to 5000; z alt upped to 4000; cam moves slightly slower, unit flies much faster.
added domesystemoverview cams 1->5
domecreation trig split per chapter

adva levelers now in preload zone

leveler infobox now undead
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Changelog 0.70 (post-revival cleanup and user-friendliness)
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