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 RD changelog 0.98i

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Join date : 2008-05-27

RD changelog 0.98i Empty
PostSubject: RD changelog 0.98i   RD changelog 0.98i Icon_minitimeSun Aug 23, 2009 2:04 pm

cat Animals
-Hostile animals now have grottos that you can destroy. Animals without a grotto dont respawn.
-Hostile horses no longer exist, they are all neutral passive from now on.

farao Magic
-Fixed seraphims not being able to attack.
-Arcanists and seraphims can no longer have a bouncing attack.

-Arcane research center can no longer teach the arcanes. Now the Circle of the arcanes does.
-Arcane spells bookshelves no longer require each other to be buildable.

-Improved requirements for teaching spells: the research unlocks the level of the spells, and the Arcane books buildings each unlock one school of spells, such as "illusion" or "divinity".
-Old arcane bookshelves are now the "Arcane books of xxxx" buildings. you will need 1 of them per school you want to unlock.

-Avatar of Might damage is now of siege type.

-Reduced alot the casting time for setting destination (portals).

-Improved alot of descriptions.

alien Nature
-Spawning pool can now be built in shallow water.

-Removed a field talking about 8 hp regen per second in the green giant to red giant morph ability.
Must check if this regen was added to the already existing 8/hp sec regen on red giants.

-Nerfed the wood harvest efficiency of Earth spirits to 6 instead of 15, for balance purposes.

-Aprotodons now have a better untame skin that actually looks like they're untame, without the bags.

bounce Humans
-Nosturismos now have evasion of the flying
-War machine cost increased
-Horses now cost half cheaper to get armored.
-Immobile cannons were renamed Stationary cannons.
Base movement speed increased to 60, new maximum speed 120.

-Archer training camp renamed into Archery camp.
-"basics of avoiding ranged attacks" is no longer researched in houses, now it is at the archery camp.
-The armor research series, including the above, is now done faster.

-New units: Golden hawk, Giant flying transport with anti-air capability (Science). Shooter, evolved gunner (science). Sniper team, special gunner (science).
-New research Night vision goggles for machinegunners, shooters, sniper teams, and golden hawks.

-the Nymph effect can now be done with any female humanoid (dryads allowed too), not just women.

-Astronomy abilities now all cost mana, and they were noticeably buffed.

-Added 2 gems per island (except the middle), 3 for south east.
-Added a dozen trees uphill on south east island.
-Terrain starts visible instead of absolutely blackened.

Ingame references
-Empires are now called [-Kingdoms].
-ex-"kingdoms" ( = players) are now called Dynasties.
-updated tips with those.

-The choice between Solo and Kingdom modes is now made by clicking a button during the start. There is no longer a command.
-Kingdom players now get a [-Kingdom] in their name.

-Shortened loading screen.

-Now the story part can be cancelled while it is already running.

-Improved all basic skills menus descriptions.

-Removed machinegunners from arcanist basic skills (bug).

-Increased the percentage on scratcher's passive to 8%. It now has its own buff art.

-The camera range command no longer activates when you're mentioning it in a statement.

-removed the aura art on units with blood assimilation. this reduces lag and looks better.

-removed some obsolete spells.

-Minigame #8 is fixed and shortened. Minigame 3 fixed. All minigames now work as intended.
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