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 RD changelog 0.98b

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Join date : 2008-05-27

RD changelog 0.98b Empty
PostSubject: RD changelog 0.98b   RD changelog 0.98b Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 12:36 pm

-"Equip set - xxxx" spells were renamed "supply preset gears: xxxx". I thin it's clearer, comment are welcome.
-"Equip - xxxx" spellswere renamed "supply: xxxx" too. same as above.

-blacksmiths no longer deliver any weapon one by one. Only aoe auto-equip spells like those mentioned above are available to get weapons in an empire.
-The range of those spells was increased to 600.
-They no longer have a cooldown, that makes them queueable for extremelyfast equipment delivery.

-Supplying archer bows now requires the archer training center.
-Archer hero base agility halved.

-Preset gears now have formatted names for easier understanding. First comes the fighter class, then the theme of the gear.
-Preset gear "Melee - Nature" no longer includes a sword.

-New supply functions for: arachnian bows, light shields
-New preset gears: Melee aggressive, Melee stonebreaker, Archer toxic

-Rebalanced anti-ranged armors for higher blocking rates.
-Nerfed armors, they now have a minimal damage taken upon block
-Buffed shields, max damage blocked is now higher, and minimal damage taken is gone.

-Weapons storage are temporarily obsolete and removed since blacksmiths now do their old job.
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RD changelog 0.98b
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