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 RD changelog 0.99c2

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Join date : 2008-05-27

RD changelog 0.99c2 Empty
PostSubject: RD changelog 0.99c2   RD changelog 0.99c2 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 05, 2009 1:43 pm

-Fixed -Solos not getting their extra inventory slot.
-Fixed -Solos not getting their Nosturismo (flying transport) at start. Actually they did, but it spawned in the middle of the map.

-Royal children - undercover now has a child icon, for easier guessing.
-Fixed dynasties being able to have more than 2 heroes by buying them undercover.

-Fixed F9 and updated it.

-Fixed a small name bug for Nosturismo kit at merchants.

-Fixed horseback archers not being classified as archers (for items).

-The royal residence bug should be fixed.

-Incarnates should now properly consume the earth spirit who made them.
-Fixed description for Earth spirits, and improved it a little; Now the word Incarnates is clearly visible.

-Much increased cooldown on "Summon the Stygian Colossus".

-Haunted shack now costs 4 food.

-Updated many tooltips.
-Skeleton and Zombie now have a tooltip.

-Rebalanced Alien, reducing lag.


-Removed a couple memory leaks (less lag).
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RD changelog 0.99c2
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