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--- Halted mapping. ---


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PostSubject: More than 50%...   More than 50%... Icon_minitimeTue Mar 31, 2009 6:48 pm

I have made more than half of the terrain already, and the center, the Well's area, is definitely epic.
I am proud of all this work but i will spend the time needed to finish it before i host the map again.
Thanks to Plaid_Maniac, Faithless, and a few others, i have had early opinions already, and the result seems fair enough.

0.54 is coming soon, watchout for it, cuz its a big step towards 1.0 Smile
I've started to erase the to-do lists already, because alot of things were done in the past days.
(Hurray! 1.0 is coming closer... ...I can hear the fighters dying already drunken ...)
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