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 speed of the colossi and the system of defense

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speed of the colossi and the system of defense Empty
PostSubject: Re: speed of the colossi and the system of defense   speed of the colossi and the system of defense Icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2009 6:27 pm

k for Chaos Collouss I think the Collouss need to move a bit fast.

Also if the system of defense was a bit simplier it would probably work better as well
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speed of the colossi and the system of defense Empty
PostSubject: Re: speed of the colossi and the system of defense   speed of the colossi and the system of defense Icon_minitimeSat Mar 28, 2009 2:07 am

Mkay i think i get what u mean, legacy.
I will definitely further simplify and better explain the defender gameplay.

About speed, i''ve alrdy increased the efficiency of the jump. Now it allows you to travel 2000 range at 700 movespeed every 8 seconds. That, along with rain of chaos that allows you to travel a minimum of 6000 range, should help Smile

Oh and, this section is more for random chatting, what you suggest here belongs in the Chaos Colossus comments thread. Imma move it.
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speed of the colossi and the system of defense Empty
PostSubject: Re: speed of the colossi and the system of defense   speed of the colossi and the system of defense Icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2009 6:00 am

I think that the colossi are strong enough and they don't need speed, but the idea for the defense system is good.
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Join date : 2010-01-22

speed of the colossi and the system of defense Empty
PostSubject: Re: speed of the colossi and the system of defense   speed of the colossi and the system of defense Icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2010 11:45 pm

well, i think that the defense system is somewhat complex, but if you had the time to get good at it it would be amazing. I wanna try all the options so bad. but building is definatly more difficult to use well
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PostSubject: Re: speed of the colossi and the system of defense   speed of the colossi and the system of defense Icon_minitime

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