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 Dark skies

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Join date : 2008-05-27

Dark skies Empty
PostSubject: Dark skies   Dark skies Icon_minitimeSun Aug 07, 2011 4:15 pm

Gavinrad is a happy man.
Blessed by the gods, he enjoys a peaceful life with his family, which his wife and mother are so proud to be part of.
That might be because he is so nice to everyone, or maybe because he's the most praised warrior of the whole country of the Holy Shrine.
It took strength, skills and courage to protect all the peaceful townsfolk from the unholy invasion of chaos, twenty blissfull years ago.
So much blood shed in the way of the unending demonic army, so many brave warriors horribly slaughtered by the colossal enemies.

There hasn't been a smile on Gavinrad's face today.
The scars of that battle have started burning deeper into his body, more painful than ever since the day he saved his family and all the others.
For today, he has seen the skies. They had never been so dark, even That day he became a true hero.
He cannot belive it, but he can feel it... They are coming back, more powerful than ever before.
And thankfully, so is he.

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