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 Changelog Avatar beta 0.54 + 0.54b

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Changelog Avatar beta 0.54 + 0.54b Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Avatar beta 0.54 + 0.54b   Changelog Avatar beta 0.54 + 0.54b Icon_minitimeFri Jul 15, 2011 4:45 am

=== Player-friendliness

-Improved tooltip for: "Drive an AMP Suit"; Puffball Bulb; Barracks;
Interact; Metal Extractor; "Gather Unobtanium"; MLRS; APC; Swan;
Nanorestoration Cloud; Swarm; Plague Eggs;
-Improved loading screen.
-Improved some other texts.

-For making human foot units, the word "Train" was replaced by "Clone".
-Airdrone description now mentions it can harvest.

-When Eywa activates a Powerstone:
*Minimap Ping is now shown to all players instead of just Eywa,
and a sound effect is played.
*The activation announcement now says how many PS Eywa has.
*Added an extra warning when Eywa gets the last Powerstone.

-When RDA depletes an Unobtanium:
*Minimap Ping is now shown to all players instead of just Eywa,
and a sound effect is played.
*The activation announcement now says how many PS Eywa has.
*Added an extra warning when Eywa gets the last Powerstone.

=== Gameplay

-The resistance passive given to animals that Avatars mount,
is now called "Mounted Animal Resistance" and is distinct from the "Hero"
resistance passive.

** Humans


-Firebat & AMP Firebat:
*Their attacks no longer deal AoE damage.
*Range +75.
*Afterburn's slow increased: -4% -> -8%.
*Afterburn's damage over time: double damage, half duration.
*Just like Firebat has more HP & armor than other soldiers,
AMP Firebat now has more HP & armor too.

-Swan, A.P.C., Tank, MLRS: increased turn speed.

-MLRS missiles fly slightly faster.
-MLRS HP slightly higher.

-Electric Cremation duration: 7s -> 5s.

Duration: 8 seconds -> 30 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 seconds -> 120 seconds.
HP cost: 10% -> 20%.

Lowered manapool, mana regen.
No longer require an Unobtanium Upgrade for truesight.
Their Unobtanium Upgrade increases the range of Hostile Detector.
Lowered manacost of Hostile Detector.

-Can no longer Hell Truck an Unobtanium to a Space Pad under construction.

-ISV cast point slightly higher.
-Cooldown on Space Drop: 1s -> 0s.

** Avatars

-Modified sight range.

-Spirit (when hero died) has max movement speed, and less sight range.

-New item (Interact on Powerstone): "Powerstone Fragment"
-Interact manacost increased.
-Interact on Tree Of Souls ("+Intellignece") now affects the Avatar instead
of Eywa, and gives less Intelligence than before.

-Changed effects of Toruk Ornament.
-Puffball Bulb Duration: 17 seconds -> 12 seconds.

-New Bonus (Discover on Tree Of Souls): "Body Revival".

-Battle Rage manacost increased, duration reduced and cooldown reduced.
-Effect of Interact on small human buildings renamed: "Rip" -> "Destroy".
-Persuasion cannot be learnt before level 3.

*There are no longer 2 possible bonuses for the same targeted animal:
Viperwolf has kept "Night Cover", "Agility" is now from Pandoran Tree.
Thanator still gives "Wide Strikes", "Severe Hit" is now from Conic tree.

** Eywa

-Summon Spells must now be casted near an Atokirina.
That concerns Swarm and Plague Eggs.
-Swarm cooldown: 45s -> 90s.
-Plague Eggs cooldown: 60s -> 90s.
Manacost: 3500 -> 2000.

-Tree Of Souls HP: 60000 -> 80000.

-Mana income from Powerstones reduced by 30%.
-Powerstone sight range reduced.

-Summon Atokirina cooldown: 260 seconds -> 250 seconds.
-From the moment the 5th Powerstone is activated, Atokirinas can attack.
-Changed hotkey for "Activate Powerstone".

-"Blessing" renamed: "Eywa's Blessing".
Mana regen per second: 25 -> 5.

-"Deceiving Lights" renamed: "Eywa's Deceiving Lights".

-"Primal Fury" renamed "Eywa's Fury".
Manacost increased.
Requisites changed: 3 powerstones -> 1 powerstone.

-Disruption requisites: 7 powerstones -> 5 powerstones.

-Swarm units no longer have HP regen.

-Acid Rain damage interval: 3 seconds -> 4 seconds.

=== Environment

-Abandoned items max lifetime: 120 seconds -> 90 seconds.

=== Cosmetics

-Green Martyr acid cloud is faster.

-Puffball icon is now blue.
-Changed icon for "Overclocking" to the same as "Unlock Overclocking".

-Changed the visual on Disarmed to make it more obvious.

-Delta trees are slightly greener.

-New icons for:
*Drive an AMP Suit
*Rocket Trooper
*Security Leader
*Special Menus
*Wrath of Pandora

-New models for:
*Eywa's attack

=== Glitches

-A.D.B. can no longer try to attack trees.

-Removed a human upgrade from upgrades that affect Powerstones.
Removed other invisible oddities about them.

-Fixed "Hidden Passives" menu not being hidden in AMP versions of Officers.

-Fixed the Firebat's Afterburn passive from not working.

=== Other

-Observer's Missionboard is no longer empty.

ERASED "Avatar - fused OBSO?".
moved dummy preloader top left of map.

removed imports:
dragonling; ammoclips & ammoclips_portrait; moonrubyamulet;

missionboard starter trig disabled, now handled in setups2 trig.

tutochoice_yes_P, plus all other dialog variables.

Deactivated event for players 5 to 12 in "-skip" trigger.
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