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 Changelog Avatar beta 0.52b + 0.52c

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Posts : 926
Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog Avatar beta 0.52b + 0.52c Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Avatar beta 0.52b + 0.52c   Changelog Avatar beta 0.52b + 0.52c Icon_minitimeMon Jun 27, 2011 1:32 am

-Increased hero resurrection time multiplier by level, and made max hero resurrection time 20 seconds.

-Added the "Tip #X" prefix to periodic tip texts.
-Added a periodic tip for Corp.
-Avatars now have 8 periodic tips (7 specific to avatar gameplay) too.
-Slightly increased delay between tips.
-Tips are no longer forcibly green.

-The " -skip " command can be used anytime now, and only once per player (re-using it did nothing except re-display the text).
-Removed the debug message when using "-skip".
-Fixed the result text for succeeding "Officer" tutorial quest.
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Changelog Avatar beta 0.52b + 0.52c
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