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 Changelog Avatar beta 0.46 (a b)

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Changelog Avatar beta 0.46 (a b) Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Avatar beta 0.46 (a b)   Changelog Avatar beta 0.46 (a b) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 11:14 am

-Ability and Building icons are now greyed out instead of completely invisible until you unlock them,
making it easier for Corps.

-Improved many texts particularly quest ones.
-Made the warning about QUESTBOARD even more noticeable.

-Foundry's "Train <soldier type>" abilities renamed: "Job <soldier type>".
That avoids confusion with the Barrack's normal training of the same units, which had the same name.
-Changed hotkey for: Firebat, Medic, Job Rocket Troopers, Job Privates.
That makes both Barracks and Foundry use the same hotkey for getting the correpsonding type of foot unit.

-Changed hotkey for Self-Destruct.

-Changed positions of buttons in Hell truck.
-Hell truck now has an Infobox.

-Floating texts like metal income from extractors, is now thicker so that the "+XXX" looks less like a "-XXX" to some people.

-Default camera view is zoomed out slightly, at start.

-It is now possible to win simply from the leaving of the enemy team.

-New item Biobalm.
Anti-molecular damage protection.

-Drone burrow (Unob-grade) also raises Drone HP.
-Scorpion: While shooting Micro-missiles, the Scorpion doesn't shoot bullets (temporary).
-Nanorestoration Cloud no longer heals buildings.


-Blood Curse: range increased, duration on heroes increased.
-Carbon-enchanced bones: stronger.

-Atokirina': armor type medium.
Locusts damage slightly increased.
Lowered unit-level.

-Increased minimal attack range for AMP Rocket Troopers.
-Drones: made faster.
-Samson: increased HP.
-MLRS: enemies flee later when targeted.


-Self-Destruct now simply kills the caster instead of exploding it.
It probably fixes a potential bug where AMP self-destruction denies the Unob-grade refund.

-Fixed the auto-entering of buildings that can house people when power-building them.
-Fixed foot units being deselected when using Drop Job Gear or picking up Job Gear.
-Electric Cremation no longer deals more damage than expected on heroes.

-Fixed hotkey for training Rocket Trooper.
-Hell Truck: fixed hotkey collision between Deliver Unobtanium and Self-Destruct.
-Transports: fixed hotkey collision between Load <unit category> abilities and Self-Destruct.
-Fixed hotkey for Resurrect Avatar (both versions).

-Fixed hotkey for "Drive an AMP Suit" from not being highlighted.
-Fixed the Metal Extractor quest from not showing its Questboard text.
-Updated tooltip for training Workers, since they no longer exploit unobtanium.
-Updated Infobox for Privates (attack speed).

(thanks: Faces, madmart1n, connor2000)


bool leaverwin
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