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 Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone)

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Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone) Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone)   Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 4:48 am

-Fixed forum adress (there never was a "www." ).
-Improved tooltip for Transfer Unit.

-Stressed out the fact that Pandoran Tribunal's mana increase is permanent, in tooltip.
-Made clearer the way thunderstorm damages, in tooltip.

-When someone leaves, his resources are now instantly shared to his allies, too.

-Minor terrain changes especially at Hell's gate and Eywa's Shrine.
Buildable ground at Hell's Gate reduced.
-Mushroom trees now have a bigger pathing map.

-Spells are no longer all defaultly available.
-New unit: Powerstone.
These stones are invulnerable, neutral passive, scattered around the map, inactive.
-New summon: Atokirina' . (model by Elenai)
These slow and vulnerable seeds can activate Powerstones to increase Eywa's mana regeneration and unlock better spells.
-New aura: Soul Aura.
-New spell: Deceiving Lights.

-Transfer Unit used on leavers now also gives you any remaining resources they could have.

-The "Hero" passive is stronger.

-Now starts with much more mana.
-Food production almost annihilated.

-Valkyrie: lowered range, attack speed, and movement speed.

-New skin for Avatar Marine.
-Changed icon for Spirit.

-Eywa's Shrine (the area which when you enter it, says "Entering: ...") is larger.

-Their unique woodgatherer/builder unit was renamed: Spirit.
-Putting a skillpoint in Secret Passages now has a hotkey, the same as for using it.

-Fixed an aoe bug when micromissiles hit ground targets.
-Fixed Viperwolf Cap from sometimes not being obtained via interact while it should.
-Episoth Bulbs should work again.
-Fixed Lightning Strike from ignoring Episoth trees.

-Fixed an odd pathing to the left of Eywa.

'hero' abil has proper buff.

Last edited by Dj0z on Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:10 pm; edited 19 times in total
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Join date : 2010-08-07

Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone)   Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 9:06 am

Hm ... Is it downloadable somewhere?
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Posts : 926
Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone)   Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 10:16 am

Soon, i'm currently testing it hosted on the bot. Just finished first hosting and tweaked some stuff, i'll launch second hosting right now.
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Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone)   Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone) Icon_minitime

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Changelog Avatar beta 0.41 (Powerstone)
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