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--- Halted mapping. ---


 Some changes.

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Posts : 6
Join date : 2009-09-27

Some changes. Empty
PostSubject: Some changes.   Some changes. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 2:14 pm

So I've been thinking on how to update RD.
First and foremost: decrease all scales and increase zoom accordingly so the map is even bigger.
I'm gonna work out some balance ideas, but I'd need to play it again to refresh my memory.
As for heroes, I'm going to work out a few solo based heroes and a few general-based heroes to serve as kings.
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Posts : 926
Join date : 2008-05-27

Some changes. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some changes.   Some changes. Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 9:02 pm

Ah so that's what you meant with scales. We'll see how it does.
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