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 Changelog Avatar beta 0.37

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Changelog Avatar beta 0.37 Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Avatar beta 0.37   Changelog Avatar beta 0.37 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 10:21 am

-Map is now revealed after victory.

-The text when unlocking LVL2 weapons from foot soldiers was made more generic, since it now affects weapons dropped by killing too.
-Improved tooltip for Rally.
-Improved tooltips for Bulb items.


-New tree: Episoth Tree.
-Removed some Pandoran trees, Added some Episoth ones.

-New item: Episoth Bulb. Obtained from Interact on Episoth Trees.

-New passive for Avatars, Corp heroes and their AMP forms: Hero.
They take reduced damage from everything.

-The unlock of LVL2 (and higher) items from foot soldiers, obtained by high Understanding Of Humans, now applies when killing them too, not only when Disarming living soldiers.

-New ability menu for Corp heroes: Officer Special Menu.
-New ability menu for AMP Corp heroes: AMP Officer Special Menu.
All their generic abilities and passives are now stored there.
-Corp heroes now have Evasion.
-AMP Corp heroes now have "Plated Armor - Superior" instead of the normal one.


-Increased to 2 the amount of Unobtanium Credits obtained, for each Unobtanium gathered.
-Increased cost of most of the best Unob-Upgrades.

-Changed the formula for AMP suit ranges: it now has +200 range compared to the corresponding foot soldier, instead of having 150% range.
This made AMP ranges lower, except for AMP Firebats.

-Gold Space Drop requests now give more.

-AMP Firebats: lowered attack speed slightly.
-Flamethrower users: increased Afterburn damage per second, lowered projectile speed.
-Rocket Troopers: increased cost.

-Improved terrain: (credits to the UTM)
-Changed model for Bioluminescent Tree.
-Added craters and fissures.
-New waterfall model.
-New animated grass.
-Lily pads.

-New flamethrower projectile model. (by WILL THE ALMIGHTY)

-Slightly improved animation when an Avatar uses an item, and he no longer stays still after doing so.

-Hero special menus are now preloaded.
-Puffball bulb effect now has its own buff.

-Fixed the function that, when someone leaves, gives his share of his team's maximum foodcap to his allies. It now works precisely as intended.
-Fixed AMP workers from producing food for some odd reason.

-Fixed some bugs with obtaining items, that would cause other things happening at the same time, to not work properly.
-Fixed a recently introduced bug making Corp soldiers no longer drop weapons when killed by a non-Avatar unit.
-Max amount of Headpiece items on a unit now works properly.
-Fixed an error in the way Ikran Pickaxe works, that should fix it sometimes not doing anything.

-Fixed the refund when too many AMP suits are made, from not refunding as many materials as the AMP costed.
-Fixed Train Privates from affecting Firebats too, like it was supposed to in older versions.

-Fixed hotkey for Self-Destruct not being the one said in its tooltip.

unchecked "use custom ambient light theme": doesn't fix the day/night bug.

corpplayers_trueplayers renamed corpsplayers_trueplayers //(note corp"S").
vJASS setup foodcaps.
globals for foodcap vars and amount of players.

rawcode dummy caster.

disabled trig automate finish archive.

vJASSed RestrictionDrop Warriors
vJASS setup for ClassWarrior, WarriorHandItems

nulled locals in puffball bulb effect.

Last edited by Dj0z on Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:03 am; edited 42 times in total
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Flash Poster
Flash Poster

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Join date : 2010-07-06

Changelog Avatar beta 0.37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.37   Changelog Avatar beta 0.37 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 11:52 am

where is the download?
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Posts : 926
Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog Avatar beta 0.37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.37   Changelog Avatar beta 0.37 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 1:11 pm

german100 wrote:
where is the download?
This changelog concerns the next version, it is not released yet. That's why there's no dl for this one yet.
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Flash Poster
Flash Poster

Posts : 71
Join date : 2010-07-06

Changelog Avatar beta 0.37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.37   Changelog Avatar beta 0.37 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 1:15 pm

oh ok

man please add more skills to nature
becuse in version 0.35 there no so match skills
and how the tree can level up? Very Happy

oh and i cant play others version becuse i host in makemehost
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PostSubject: Re: Changelog Avatar beta 0.37   Changelog Avatar beta 0.37 Icon_minitime

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