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 Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17

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Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17   Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Icon_minitimeThu May 20, 2010 12:51 pm

-Improved game descriptions and loading screen text. Added clan in loading screen.

-Improved hero-choosing tooltips.
-Improved some mob-sending tooltips.
-Improved grammar and vocabulary.
-Better description for repicking.

-Improved tilting of concerned units during intro.

-Prototype 01 now has a name: Tank.
-Advanced Turret renamed: "Turret - Advanced".

-"Give me a prototype" renamed: Choose your prototype ( = hero).
It now explains that you have to choose your heroskills, and tells about the Barrel of Rum.

-The research lab no longer displays researches that are useless to you, depending on what hero you picked.

-Players now have a Mob Sender allowing automated sending of individual units or masses of units easily.
-Mobs that can be sent through use of Mob Sender can no longer be sent by using the Command Center.

-Picking a hero now has a 30 seconds cooldown shared among all pick-hero abilities, acting as an antibug and a delay to let you think twice.
-Players no longer have to build their research lab, it's next to their prototype lab at start.

-Air Dynamite Team units now have a more random damage.

-Turret - Advanced now has Anti-Mob Disruption.

-Special repair team no longer repairs the Tank. Renamed to Air Dynamite Team.

-World Disruptor (Game Ender Class) now extremely reduces the owner's speeds and mana regen instead of nullifying them.
Lowered damage interval, increased damage.
No longer mapwide.

-Dragster removed.
-Flying Dutchman Army now deploys slower, and no longer heals the dutchman.

-Lowered manacost for Home Sweet Home.

-Turrets: lowered attack speed slightly, increased damage and projectile speed.
Increased delay before shooting.

-Increased base movement speed slightly.
-Rebalanced turn speeds.

-Flamethrower: rebalanced chance to trigger Dancing Flames (higher at low levels, lower at max).
-Major: nerfed AI Slam.
-Brawler: nerfed Magne-Jump.

-Those that regenerated hp (except Flying Dutchman) no longer do.

-Increased XP gain from sending Flying Dutchman and Juggernaut.
If it causes a level-up, graphic will now show.
-Flying Dutchman: slightly increased HP regen.
-Tank: refund when killed by something else than an enemy hero lowered to 1 point, no matter where it was sent from.
-Rasta Rocket: increased movement speed, lowered HP.
-Demolisher: lowered HP.

-Underground proto lab now show an animation before the player chooses his hero.

-Modified movement cosmetics for many units.

-Changed Turret and Advanced Turret models, updated shooting cosmetics.
-Changed weather.

-Improved the way Carrier arrives (Carrier Strike).

-Made game much less laggy (many leaks removed).
-Other changes made in GD v1.16 that were not documented.
-Changelog in F9 now redirects to the forums (Dj0zmaps.goodforum.net).
-Unleaked auto-pinging of Juggernauts and Flying Dutchmen on minimap, and made its frequency high enough to always know where they are.

-Fixed spelling for "siege".

-Moved some towers that were oddly placed.

-Improved credits in F9.

-Autoping no longer pings dead Juggernauts and Flying Dutchmen.

split start trig
removed donothings

renamed tempunitgroup tempgroup
removed group leaks in starts & intro
renamed zeboard scoreboard

moved comments top
added interesting jass lines bott

destroy multiboard init

applied id protocol to abils
quests separate trig
commandcenter_east & _west
cpubase_eastern & _western

andtidesync waits in start
moved antipressakeytostart to inittrig
start renamed init

modified herochoice trig to avoid mobsender
TempIntegerX renamed TempInteger_A
TempPlayerGroup and X version renamed TempForce and _A
sendingqueue_tanks_p _demolishers_p and all others

unleaked cinematic ending
erased obso sending items
lowered death times for some models

erased buy n path tank and buy n path demo

Last edited by Dj0z on Fri May 21, 2010 11:21 am; edited 29 times in total
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)

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Age : 31
Location : In La La land on tuesdays and atop the highest mountain on wensdays.

Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17   Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Icon_minitimeThu May 20, 2010 7:19 pm

Haha, automatic sending, great thats just what this game needed!
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Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17   Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Icon_minitimeThu May 20, 2010 8:58 pm

silent521 wrote:
Haha, automatic sending, great thats just what this game needed!
Heh ^^ at last it's got it!
I just tested on Azeroth and no bug was found Smile I'm currently extending the system to all types of mobs.
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)

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Age : 31
Location : In La La land on tuesdays and atop the highest mountain on wensdays.

Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17   Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Icon_minitimeFri May 21, 2010 3:32 pm

Sweet mabye I will play sometime.
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PostSubject: Re: Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17   Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 21, 2010 9:57 am

WUHU! I played and old version of this map for like 12 hours with a friend 1-on-1...
(we got bored after having 5 of those non-kill able thing on the middle....)
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Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17   Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 21, 2010 10:45 am

manus100 wrote:
WUHU! I played and old version of this map for like 12 hours with a friend 1-on-1...
(we got bored after having 5 of those non-kill able thing on the middle....)
Damn nice Very Happy
Wait, did you say you guys had 5 of the ultimate summon? the one that keeps respawning?
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PostSubject: Re: Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17   Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 21, 2010 12:08 pm

Nah... Only 1 on each side xS but they both died 5 times Razz
I like to make things more dramatic...
Btw. The killer ball thing, it aint worth its price!
When you got u die super easy!...
And then we called it drawn...
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PostSubject: Re: Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17   Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 21, 2010 12:18 pm

It's okay Razz
I will check the World Disruptor's balance again then.
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Age : 29

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PostSubject: Re: Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17   Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 21, 2010 12:20 pm

Thanks Very Happy
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Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17   Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17 Icon_minitime

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Changelog Goblin Dominions 1.17
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