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 Changelog Avatar beta 0.20 (global gameplay, eywa boss)

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Changelog Avatar beta 0.20 (global gameplay, eywa boss) Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Avatar beta 0.20 (global gameplay, eywa boss)   Changelog Avatar beta 0.20 (global gameplay, eywa boss) Icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 8:42 am

-Eywa's Sentinel spell now mentions in the tooltip that it wears off if the tree is agressed.

-Updated tooltip for Avatar Quest Teller.
-Avatar quest messages when using Interact on Hometrees improved

-Multiboard now displays the initial amount of Unobtaniums above the current amount. Text more explicit.

-Eywa's Tree of Souls is now invulnerable until the Corps have gathered half of all Unobtaniums.
-Destroying Eywa is now the final Corp objective.

-Relocated some Unobtaniums, usually closer to Corp landing point.
All Hometrees now protect one Unobtanium.

-Hometrees new ability: Hometree protection. Increases defense of allies nearby, and makes Unobtanium ungatherable near living Hometrees.

-New spell Green Martyr.
-New spell Wrath of Pandora.
-Now has a spellbook for its Flora abilities.
-Now has a spellbook for its Pandorian abilities.
-Now has Dense armor.

-Avatars no longer unlock Interact through flora quests.
Their first quest is now totally different, and that's how they rebel, it is no longer done over time.
Each Avatar now rebels individually.

-Human quest #1 is now #2, and there is a new #1.
-Other quests are now disabled at start.

-Recruiting Na'vi units with Interact now only works on Hometrees.

-They no longer need to gather all the Unobtaniums, 50% is now enough.

-Minimal movement speed possible lowered to zero.
-Dense armor effect reduced to 75%.
-Evasion - superior effect reduced to 45%.

-ZigZag tree hp increased to 2400.

-Titanothere and Thanator HP and HP regen reduced.
-Viperwolf hp increased.

-Increased attack speed.

-Base mana regeneration slightly increased.
-Sentinel: Increased sight both while flying and when on a tree, and travelling speed. Lowered manacost.
-Root embrace: reduced manacost, slightly larger tree detection aoe.

-Now start with more resources.
-Hell Truck: reduced slowing when Unobtanium is loaded into the truck.
Micromissiles: lower accuracy and AoE per missile, higher travelling speed and damage.

Modified Micromissiles arc towards target. They are now smaller aswell.

-Changed attack sound type for Avatars.

-Improved coding of custom bullets systems and Micromissiles, with slightly better performance (more noticeable during massive simultaneous assaults).

-Monsoon renamed: Thunderstorm. Changed hotkey.
-Evasion of the small renamed: Evasion - superior.

-Prevented a theoretical glitch with victory triggers.

-Removed "Security Leader Infobox" from Commander.
-Global temperature no longer starts at 25°C to then reduce to its normal value (20°C).
-Quest Teller can no longer move.

globalwarmingtemperature defined in setups
extracted quest from interact units
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Changelog Avatar beta 0.20 (global gameplay, eywa boss)
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