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 Changelog Avatar beta 0.14

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Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog Avatar beta 0.14 Empty
PostSubject: Changelog Avatar beta 0.14   Changelog Avatar beta 0.14 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 6:31 am

-Modified position of buildings in Corporation Worker build menu.

-Modified team names in game lobby.


-Victory trigger added.

Now has a spearthrower mode.
Melee mode armor increased, range decreased.

-Sentinel no longer has a limited amount neither a cooldown.
Manacost slightly increased.
Sight increased while flying, reduced while on tree. Tooltip improved.

-New unit Automatic Defense Bunker (A.D.B.)


-Misty Bulb duration increased.

-Archer Neurotoxic poison dps increased, duration on heroes decreased.

-AMP Suit: costs more metal.
-Restrooms: more armor.
-Radar: HP increased.
-Restrooms: size increased.

-New model for I.S.V. Venture Star. F9 updated (jk2pach).
Improved ISV and drop cosmetics.
-New model for Restrooms. F9 updated (Mephestrial).

-Changed icon for the Avatar's List of Bonuses inside his Special menu.
-Changed icon for Big Bertha.
-Eywa: Sentinel now has a small travelling arc.
-Added a SFX to radar. F9 updated.
-Space drop Container now has a shadow.

-Slightly modified cameras at intro end.
-Modified fog so that you can almost see something from orbital views.

-Samson renamed: Aerospatial SA-2 Samson.

-Fixed multiboard diplaying incorrect colors for Corp Unobtanium gathered field.
-Fog of war is now disabled during introduction.
-Fixed revival text for Avatar.

mapname init trig
changed multiboard name
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Changelog Avatar beta 0.14
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