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 Changelog AAoH beta 0.11

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Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog AAoH beta 0.11 Empty
PostSubject: Changelog AAoH beta 0.11   Changelog AAoH beta 0.11 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 10, 2010 9:05 pm

)Player friendliness
-Changed "Avatars" in map name to "Avatar".
-Changed team name for native pandorian to something more specific.
-Improved Loading screen text.


-The I.S.V is now able to perform space drops of workers, materials and dollars, onto Space Pads.

-New building: Big Bertha.
-Sentry now has a "call to arms" ability concerning workers. It still can be operated by anyone else.


-More sentinels, lower cooldown, higher manacost.

-Tanks now have only 1 pilot slot, for the same max firing rate. Improved their Infobox.
Increased their minimal attack range to 250. It is now mentioned in tooltip and Infobox.

-Increased Hell Truck speed (200 -> 300) and amount of slowing from unobtanium loaded (-50% -> -60%).

-Added a custom loading screen.
-Added a custom minimap preview.
-Temporarily added some music.
-Changed icon for Unobtanium Detector.

-Changed the map name, this might be changed again in the future.
-Removed the scout tower in the center of the map.
-Renamed Interstellar Vehicle: "InterStellar Vehicle (I.S.V.)".

-Fixed Hell Truck tooltip about its weapons.
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Changelog AAoH beta 0.11
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