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 Changelog 0.68 1.24ok

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Join date : 2008-05-27

Changelog 0.68  1.24ok Empty
PostSubject: Changelog 0.68 1.24ok   Changelog 0.68  1.24ok Icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2009 8:38 am

This version was solely made to restore playability of Chaos Colossus.
Thus, there are no changes in anything except a that a few things were temporarily disabled for technical reasons.
Those include:
-"Jump and Crush", a Colossus spell
-The mini earthquake effect occuring when Colossi punch enemies.
-The "Ice Wave" spell for Ice Colossus

NB: As you might have noticed, those are all things that used tomake Colossi stronger. As a result, the balance is clearly broken in this version, making humans stronger. This is why this version is not as enjoyable as usual.

This aside, everything is just like in the previous playable version.
Following versions will focus on restoring the aforementioned features, then regular development will resume.
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Changelog 0.68 1.24ok
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