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 RD changelog 0.99j (the bug & lag killing)

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RD changelog 0.99j (the bug & lag killing) Empty
PostSubject: RD changelog 0.99j (the bug & lag killing)   RD changelog 0.99j (the bug & lag killing) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2009 2:02 am

-Fixed the starting camera (it shows your units when it's supposed to).
That means you can once again choose your patriarch.

-Unit for choosing patriarch is now Patriach picker (new) instead of Royal children undercover.
This way you're not shown icons of heroes you cannot get yet.
There are also no longer any useless buttons. As a result, it's much neater: All you see is the 3 icons of the available heroes.

-The -hints command is now -help (now you can -h too). F9 updated.
-Slightly improved some of the periodic tips, and the -help command is now more noticeable there.

-Max food reduced (now 220).

-House materialcost, build time and hp slightly reduced.
-Marketplace cost and build time reduced.
-Mud defense posts now have the same materialcost (slightly reduced compared to non-royalgrade mud defense post matcost).
-Blacksmith and all its specialized versions have reduced costs.

*Planting (research) no longer requires Nature. You still need Nature to plant Plagueleaves though.
-Plants costs rebalanced, usually lower.
-Gold from every single spice money increased (6 -> 10) and extra gold from autoharvest increased (+2 -> +4). All fields updated.
-Harvest spices aoe reduced: now 1200x1200. Autoharvest is now 8:00 AM instead of 5:00 PM.

-Granturismo and Nosturismo now have " - transport " at the end of their name, and hotkey.

-Social builders no longer randomly stop exploiting gems.
-Find the gems (commitee) now has lower manacost, updated and improved tooltip.

-Modified icon locations for making new Kings.
-Removed the need for a parent of the same class.
That means you no longer need a Chieftain father to make a Warlord son, for example. You only need the appropriate research (infantry for Warlord).

-Improved bird autocapture: unfinished Tower of the Birds can no longer perform it; less memory leak; no longer enforces food limit.
-Fixed bird autocapture tooltip.

-Changed location of marketplace researches and reduced their cost.
-Reorganized build menu for Military scientist.

-Reduced attack speed of Knights and Cavalry.
-Cavalry jump now has a hotkey, reduced cooldown, higher manacost.

-Hut now has lower materialcost, food production and buildtime.
-Fixed Hut tooltip.

-Wind shamans now cost less resources, but more food (3).

-Fixed cost and improved tooltip for equip horses.

Fixed tooltips for all rods, fixed & improved tooltip for meta armor.

-Removed some useless visuals from: Inspiration aura, Triumph aura, Stygian aura, all Village center-type auras, Capital city,


-Repair times and costs fixed (with the formula) for alot of buildings.

-Reduced/Nullified the lag caused by the whole plant system (all leaks (10!) seem removed).
-Reduced/Nullified the lag from bird autocapture (inside-loop leak removal).

-Fixed Capture animals: error message always shows at correct location, materials cost reduced, leaks removed (~6), tooltip updated.

-Minor terrain changes (balance and cosmetics)

-Vampire base damage increased.

-Fixed some grammar.

fixed generic nocash temppoint, added nomats, now used
call RemoveRect
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RD changelog 0.99j (the bug & lag killing)
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