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 RD changelog 0.99g

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RD changelog 0.99g Empty
PostSubject: RD changelog 0.99g   RD changelog 0.99g Icon_minitimeFri Sep 18, 2009 8:13 pm

-New command -hints, displaying a wide choice of subjects with all the basic informations. F9 updated.
Purpose is obviously to help newcomers in a Q&A manner, but even veterans could use it for a quick reminder about something specific.

-There is no longer supposed to be a "life as an archer" item in tutorial 10. That item no longer exists.

-Synchronized both Nymph researches with the new mana formulas.
-Same for Magical self-improvement.

-Fixed requisites for Airblade.


-Fixed hotkey for "back to the wild".

-Riding researches and requisites should now work properly.
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RD changelog 0.99g
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