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 Improving Perfection

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PostSubject: Improving Perfection   Improving Perfection Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 3:08 am

I did anticipate you had a plan for alchemy, so you would have loved it at time of post. Traditionally Alchemy and Magic are somewhat related. Combine ideas of Alchemy with the other trees. Nature and Magic need work. Magic can have a removal of that complex spell system, Mages can learn spells, but having too many unique units is overkill. Also Magic is very expensive atm, but that can be fixed later.

Now, with the new System.
- Different minigames for solos and Kingdoms, No rewards. Teach them about -skip later. Choose Solo or kingdom before minigames.
- Put information about solos and Kingdoms on the loading page.
- Assume Kingdom. The minigame teaches the basics.
- Kingdoms can elect a main tech tree, then branch into sub-tech trees.
- Combinations of tech trees can lead to potent results, or Mastery of a particular tech tree.
- Women have flower planting spells in a spellbook, and they are added according to the level of flower research and discovery.
- Flowers grow, and can evolve into new breeds. Give flowers mana, and when Both a tech is researched and it reaches max, the flower evolves. At max level a max mana plant produces additional gold. Some plants may produce materials.
- You can research advanced pathways into a technology from the Residence. Residence renamed to Palace or Similar.
- Industrious specialization now increases Building stability (+ hp and Armour), Needed for certain type of unit
- Tech tree research takes time and money.
- Tech tree researches can grant structural changes to buildings, upgrading them If it is your main tech path.
- Remove mage from bookshelf. It should only be trainable from its own tech tree. Allow magic to directly create Architects.
- I pictured these new wonders to give non-combat bonuses. Or at least something that's not auras.
- These will be minor wonders. I changed my mind. A revamp of the current wonders and there will be powerful buildings unique to the player (1 each max).
- These buildings will be upgrades of common buildings, and can represent the unison of two techs, or the pinnacle of a specialization. Everything will count in my model. ALL decisions matter.
- Tech Unison - An example is a unison of Nature and Science, to create hydroponic lights. These give a mana regeneration aura, which will allow flowers to grow faster and produce more money.
- A monument to nature can increase HP regeneration rates of all troops, and have the ability to sprout trees anywhere on the map, for a period of time, Similar to furion of DotA.
- An Industrious Scientist teched kingdom can create the Iron Curtain from an existing Factory. This can Boost the Armour of any unit on the map for a short period of time. It also gives a small income.

If you like the sound of anything here, ask about it. I need to go for now, to do other, more important things.
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PostSubject: Re: Improving Perfection   Improving Perfection Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 5:17 am

Hmm. I was gonna do a multi quote but the post would be too long.

-Magic and alchemy:
Well, traditionnaly, raising undeads and casting blood curses are also related to Magic, and RD used to have a direct relationship between Darkness and Magic, for instance.
(The dark mages were obtained by teaching Darkness to a wizard/sorceress.)
The separation allowed more personality for each of both techtrees, and made it simpler (dark mage in just 1 click) and then, people started being actually climbing the Darkness techtree.

The point here is that while in the lore, Magic might be associated with Alchemy (note that historically, it is closer to philosophy and metaphysics than Magic), the separation in the game makes easier and more intuitive for players, among other advantages.

You (and everyone) should give a try to Alchemy when it is actually released, because i think it has enough character to exist as a stand-alone. Incase you're wondering, it is going to cover much more than potion manufacturing and morphing metal into gold (it already has 4 subtechtrees in the To Do list).

-Magic: i need feedback from more people about the complexity of the spell teaching system. The main idea of the Magic techtree (currently) is to have a select number of Wizard-like units (even 1 does), and using the other features proposed by the techtree to sorta assist your elite mage(s).
-Removing mage evolution from bookshelf+architect thingy: approved, for reasons you stated.

-Different tutos solo/kingdom: makes sense, would go with the choice at start that you suggested.
-There are already informations about -solo and kingdoms in the loading page.
-"Assume Kingdom" = ?

-Main techtree/lesser ones: that would reduce the freedom in strategy, and the synergies possible. Synergies to me are what you call Unison. That responds to your "combination of techtrees" idea. This is already planned, and should already have been partially implemented, but i didn't have enough time to actually make them the day i planned to.

-Flower planting suffers a technical problem justifying the way it currently works: there can only be one planting skill on a given unit at a time.
-Planting researches and flower evolutions sound nice, but i need a better planting mechanism before i think seriously about it, else it could get boring for whoever starts to rely on this.
-"Advanced pathways into a technology" = ?

-Industrious: Tier 2 politics are planned, and they would give more advanced features based on the tier 1 politics that you chose. I'll take your suggestion as a tier 2 Industrious politics idea.
-Researching techtrees before you can start using them at all: if that's what you meant, sounds fair enough, come to think of it. Making the decision to research and unlock a techtree would show one's will to use it, and would make more sense overall. This unlocking will remain decently fast and cheap though.
-The upgrade buildings (and other things) from researches thing is already in the game (e.g: anti-arrow plating from anti-ranged armor resaerch), but yes it should be developped.

-Monuments and wonders: ingame Wonders are already supposed to be Unique (1 of each type per game). They will actually be in next version. They already started to be revamped, and some To Do ones will give non-combat bonuses such as the ability to cut trees from a distance, or some kind of research acceleration...

-The Nature Wonder called Statue of liberty (already ingame) gives global hp regen aura (and bonus movement speed) already.

-Synergies between techtrees and politics: Makes sense, but i'm not sure if it wouldn't be overkill.

Thanks for all those ideas anyways, some of them are going to really improve the map Smile .
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PostSubject: Re: Improving Perfection   Improving Perfection Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 2:42 am

So... alot of your ideas have been implemented in the map in the meantime.

But where did you go?! You're the one who suggested this, you should be commenting the finished product.

Anyways, i'm on a bug/lag-fixing version at the moment, i'll try doing the one-go tutorial in this one too.
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)

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PostSubject: Re: Improving Perfection   Improving Perfection Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 9:34 am

Well I too wonder where she went, but she probably the only person here who really likes this map alot. Or atleast compared to all the others. oh and for the alchemy workshop can you make it were I can equip masses?
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Colossus class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Colossus class)

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PostSubject: Re: Improving Perfection   Improving Perfection Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 12:33 pm

*cough* she? *cough*
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PostSubject: Re: Improving Perfection   Improving Perfection Icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 3:33 pm

Yea i will automate the alchemy and all other supply functions (Magic)
I think it's a he.
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Colossus class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Colossus class)

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PostSubject: Re: Improving Perfection   Improving Perfection Icon_minitimeMon Sep 28, 2009 10:18 am

Quote :
I think it's a he.
Lets open a topic about it! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)

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PostSubject: Re: Improving Perfection   Improving Perfection Icon_minitimeMon Sep 28, 2009 3:37 pm

Lol, I just randomize the gender. If I aint told what you are I will pick something for you. XD plus there are no girls really so I thought it be pretty funny.
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PostSubject: Re: Improving Perfection   Improving Perfection Icon_minitimeMon Sep 28, 2009 4:35 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Improving Perfection   Improving Perfection Icon_minitime

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