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 RD changelog 0.99b

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RD changelog 0.99b Empty
PostSubject: RD changelog 0.99b   RD changelog 0.99b Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 9:43 pm

This update will bring a bunch of new units, and the Subtechtree concept.
The units will balance out the amount of available strategies in the different techtrees.
The Subtechtree concept will bring a necessary organisation inside the existing techtrees, making things clearer.

Twisted Evil Darkness
-"Undesolate" hidden passive abilities, that removed blight from the ground, were removed from all units that had them (mostly Nature buildings)
Except plants, that still have it. This will make synergies between Darkness and Nature easier.

-New structure: Temple of Death.

-Many structure prerequisites were changed.

-Undead passive "Death over time" now requires Mark of Death to apply.

-Lowered requisites for Undead cavalry research much.

-Improved descriptions for all levels of the Flying Dutchman.
-Much improved description for Undeath researches.

bounce Humans
-Fixed Suicide order not having a targetting art to see which units are in the AoE

-Removed requirements for Grab items...

-Lumbermill no longer acts like it is a shop

alien Nature
-Nerfed Green and Red giants in many points of view, so that they follow the balancing formulas.
They shouldn't be overpowered anymore.

-New unit Blood shaman (class: special spellcaster)
-New structures: Forest Incarnate, Beastiality incarnate.

-Natural shield renamed: Forest shield.

-Nature researches were re-allocated between structures.

-Mountain incarnations renamed Mountain incarnates.
-They train the Blood shamans
-They no longer sell forest shields.

-Primal empathy no longer requires anything (required Mountain incarnate before).

-Undid part of the nerf to earth spirit's materials harvesting speed.

-Huts no longer are shops. Their items moved to the Houses of Nature.

-Source of cold lava (99999hp) renamed: Source of solidified lava (99999materials)

-Capture is now checked much more often, in a slighly smaller area.

cat Animals
-Updated and improved Horse description.

Like a Star @ heaven Items
-Changed meta armor effects, and cost.


-The rumors board now has a larger player name column.
This should fix some players not having their names displayed, and a large blank space instead.
-Larger Domination column, so that the word is not cut off at the end.

-The vampire tutorial has better text now. Makes it easier.

-There is now a warning before button choices.

-Starting mana amounts now use a universal formula.

-Increased range for all mass equip abilities to 700.

-Many hotkeys were added or fixed.
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