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 RD changelog 0.98e

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Join date : 2008-05-27

RD changelog 0.98e Empty
PostSubject: RD changelog 0.98e   RD changelog 0.98e Icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2009 2:20 pm

-Reworked intro texts, they are now longer and much easier to read.

-Rewrote tips texts, with better english.
-Updated the quest menu (F9).

-Shortened the least important tutorial minigames, and every part that wasn't necessary.
-fixed the mass success gem bug
-last minigame improved
-various bugs fixed

-theoretically fixed arachnian bows from not poisoning, while they are supposed to.
-shop now sells Quivers, and Shields.
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RD changelog 0.98e
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