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 RD changelog 0.98d

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Join date : 2008-05-27

RD changelog 0.98d Empty
PostSubject: RD changelog 0.98d   RD changelog 0.98d Icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2009 8:13 am

-Domination has been reworked, for lag reduction, simplicity and screen spamming reasons.
It now simply gives you extra gold and materials every 20 seconds. The amount given is your amount of domination points.
This income is give every 30 seconds, and still notified to the player.

-Huts now give more food.
-Forest spirits were renamed "Earth spirits".

-The "orbital alrgorythm" obsolete research was removed

-Animals that can be captured now all cost only 5 gold when created. Materials costs reduced.
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RD changelog 0.98d
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