Blizzard released a new patch killing the "return bug" and screwing up the maps.
All i can say for now is that it's gonna take quite an amount of time before my maps get a fix.
Any kind of help in that respect will be appreciated, especially if you can understand the recent changes to JASS coding, the "agent" type, the new way stuff works (put shortly),
and give me a head start in the way of fixing.
Though i will have, as always these holidays, very few time to spend on mapping.
Though i don't wanna let CC die off totally during this summer so with you guys' help we might make a new version only focused on making the map able to work (only CC for now).
As a last note, max map size was increased to 8 mb (namely, doubled), and this is gonna be very helpful for both CC and RD, whenever they start working again.
Have nice holidays.