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 Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes...

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Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes?
Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes... Vote_lcap100%Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes... Vote_rcap
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Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes... Empty
PostSubject: Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes...   Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes... Icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2009 6:27 pm

Weed is alot healthier than ciggarettes or even alcohal. The DEA would save tons and tons of money not having to jail and prosecute marijuana users. Weed is an all natural plant with no chemicals or anything in it, so if marijuana was legal than it would be a healthier legal way for all the drug addicts to have something that isnt as bad as all the hardcore horrible illegal shit.
Im just trying to get everyones opinion good or bad about what you think about recreational or even medicinal marijuana.
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Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes...   Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes... Icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2009 8:36 pm

Well it depends.
I personally think it should be. In Europe we can travel to a country called the Netherlands where weed is legal and highly appreciated. you can find dedicated stores and even a museum in the capital city.
About the medical use i think in my country it's alrdy allowed but i'm not sure. I do know some doctors use it to cure things such as depressive mood, though.
Then again, sensemilia eats up your memory, which might be bad if young students started to use it regularly.
I'm happy that i'm no politic, so i don't have to deal with this anyways. And even if its not legal you can still find it quite easily lol.
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)

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Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes...   Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 27, 2009 12:52 pm

This question are one of those that never have a right answer. It can be bad or good and weighing them would be to close. I don't believe in it and we have other reasons why we are not making money. Plus why go buy weed with tax when you can get some without tax? Then there will be weed dealers who don't pay taxes and we can't do nothing because its legal. So it will have usually more bad than good, but everythings like that. Plus chances are you will come back, read, then never come back.
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Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes...   Should Marijuana be legal for recreational purposes... Icon_minitime

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