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 Post your map ideas here, who knows..

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PostSubject: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 11, 2008 3:00 am

I am atm in very hard end-year school exams study , but when this is done, ill take a look in here.

You may post any map idea you would like someone to create, BUT Evil or Very Mad
-dont ask me for a "Dj0z" TD or "you" TD or whoever tower defense (waay toomany around there)
-i dont make DotAs
-i dont make escapes like sliding ice uber lag dependant maps, because only host and ppl in LAN can have real fun with those. Pyramid escape is a good example of an escape i actually like.
-it better be Original, if u want me to try & create it. Wink

Anyways you wont get burnt for posting shitty ideas, they'll just be deleted Very Happy so go ahead with any idea u might have.
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)

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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 11:40 pm

Heh. I'm assuming by "I don't make DotAs" you mean you won't make an Aeon of Strife (heroes/corridors) map? The idea is much older than DotA (older than WCIII, in fact), but if you're really set against it I won't suggest any.

Here are my ideas:
A genuine cooperative RPG map. I'm thinking of a small number of players working towards a common goal through various challenges-- it'd resemble Pyramid Escape or When the Freedom Slips Away but it'd be multiplayer and players would use heroes (most of the time). I can envision it as part of the CC storyline-- after KJ defiles the well, surviving peasants/defenders flee the area. Since many of the defenders' abilities (according to the starting cutscene) rely on the blessings of their land, they'd start off fairly weak. They could work to retake the Well or to establish a home somewhere else. It'd also give opportunities to expand a bit more on the allies who "gate in" during CC.

Perhaps a map could be based on the original establishment of the Holy Well-- players would serve as representatives of opposing groups entering an area. They'd have the ability to convert units (ranging from scattered creeps to towns/races to 'animals' that could serve as mounts) and terrain (I'm envisioning deploying/dispelling blight, but a team could spread forests or ice or some other modifier as well) to their cause.

Victory would be obtained by either a)killing all opposing leaders without losing all of a team's own or b) converting a certain amount of land/people (say 65% of either?). Or perhaps it would be good to require both.

Players wouldn't want to have to micro everything on the map, so a lot of the converts would probably go off on AI orders to work to supply the (player-controlled) leaders, or research/build things for them, or just defend areas of the map. It might be more interesting if players could assign converts manually to any of these tasks, and some units would be better at some tasks than others-- ever seen an ogre researching? Buildings might be used to represent large groups of single-race units to keep the map size down.

If it wouldn't make the map too complicated/large, there could be more to converting than just using an ability-- perhaps players could accumulate "reputation points" in certain areas depending on how the convert and what they assign their converts to do. These would influence how efficient their converts are at certain tasks and how unconverted units reacted.
For instance, each time a unit a leader assigned "soldier duty" to died attacking someone else's area, one of their "scores" would increase. If this score rose too high, their "soldier units" would be less willing to launch wars (i.e. reduced movespeed outside their converted "home region"). Alternatively, if players' assignments consistently emphasized research, another "score" would increase and cities that placed a high emphasis on learning would be easier/faster for the leader to convert. If players killed a substantial number of unconverted units from a particular race, it would increase the time/effort required to convert units of that race.

One more layer of options and I'll stop. Players could establish "dictates" for their groups that would influence their scores as well. For instance, "martyrdom" would increase the attack speed of units and reduce the impact of deaths during wars, but also reduce the armor of their units and make some races harder to convert. A dictate like "holy land" would increase productivity in the areas they first converted, but reduce it in other areas (pilgrimages). A dictate like "rigid tradition" would make it harder for other leaders to convert allies, but also reduce the effectiveness of research and make new dictates hard to establish. A dictate that made some task (like "attacking" or "researching" or "farming") important would make it easier to convert unit types that favored that action, but harder to convert units that favored other actions ("Study is sacred"-- yeah, the ogres'll flock to that).

And that's as far as I'll go tonight. I'm curious to see what everyone thinks!
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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 1:03 am

Me lieks.
It's original and could be made in a fun way.
There is only one problem: in can sense it's gonna take alot of time too :/ in a realistic manner, i hardly see it finished before september Sad
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)

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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 1:12 am

I'm drowning in work right now, you've said the same, so I don't see it even starting in the immediate future. But yes, it'd take a lot of effort. How long did CC take to make?

Also, I'd like to clarify that there are two ideas up there: the RPG and the conversion one. One's just a bit more fully-developed and involves opposing teams Smile.
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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 1:29 am

Uhh CC took .... 8 months this far... Ye i just noticed that, while first beta was in november, i found the very first alpha version, dating back to october 2k8 :p .

Yea there are 2 ideas in your post (btw you can double post for 2 diffeent ideas, it makes things clearer.)
I was more specifically talking about the conversion one. I don't reallly like rpgs in the first place, so you'll
have to find good reasons for me to make it.
Or, yet again, i could just plant the basis on an open map, with the genuine materials from CC, and some of you guys with mapmaking skills could do it and get the credit.

PS: Oh and "i dont make dotas" means exactly that. I have made 1 AoS myself (my very first map) and it's the only one i'm likely to work on, just because i started it and noone is gonna finish it if i don't. I honestly think AoS is overused as a type for a map, and i personally disregard any gn on net containing "like dota" or "new aos" or whatever alike.
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Fireball class)

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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 1:45 am

I mostly suggested the RPG because there are so few multiplayer maps with a storyline beyond "there are enemies out there." If you don't like RPGs then making one that's a cut above the rest probably doesn't appeal. No problem.

The conversion suggestion is the one I'm more interested in personally. There's no denying the time (though it could be distributed-- just don't ask me to terrain), but I think it'd be fun. It could be done with almost no custom skins/models (probably just one for each set of leaders), so the file wouldn't be too large even with the stacks of triggers it'd take.

And on the postscript-- in my book, well-made AoS are like jellybeans. There are a thousand different flavors, most of which are good. They overlap, but they also have unique attributes. The best part is that the overlap means most people can download the map and play reasonably well on their first time.
What's the name of your AoS?
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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 1:59 am

Judgement of the Order, aka JOTO.
Almost noone knows about it because it is extremely old (before july 2006), and my coding level back at that time was really really low.
I had nice ideas but they just would not work vey well because i could not code them properly :p

The fun part is that quite a number of people played it back then, and stole a couple ideas to put them in other maps such as dota and various others xD
I was already a hard-working mapper, though, the maps contains 2600 doodads and 316 triggers, while it is only half the width of CC/RD Lol!

Lol i forgot the theme: it's a "magic vs tech" lore, i directly took my inspiration from a game that i bought, liked, and got bored of quite fast:
It's called Rise of Legends, from the same developers as Rise of Nations which is quite famous.
If you know what it is let me know, and if not, it would be fun to show you what i could pull off back then lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 3:38 am

*Lol here are some facts i just checked for teh lulz:
...in dota 6.32b dated from may 2k6: http://www.epicwar.com/maps/2386/,
spectre has some random semi-ulti thingy instead of the ability to do extra damage to enemy heroes that have no allies around them. This ability only replaces the old one in dota 6.35 dated from august 2k6: http://www.epicwar.com/maps/4442/
What's so funny?
Well in RoM (the original name of JOTO) i had this ability long before they did lol. It's on a tech assassin. I cannot prove it because i lost all my versions of RoM older than december 1 2k6, the day i had to make the map wider so i saved its parts here and there to make sure i have backup copies incase of trouble lol.Older versions disappeared when my pc crashed underwent reformatting cuz of virus in january of this year Sad

I also had a "burning spear" as an item, specially designed for my spartan lancer in this map... that was so rofl... yea i had a spartan lancer freakingLONG before 300 came out. And guess what? some time after, dota gets a "new hero called Huskar the bloody lancer" throwing burning spears at peoplez LOLz. With the exact SAME ICON ofc Shocked . I remember i was quite pissed about this one, but then i realised i was using "their" gamestyle (aka AoS with recipes) and that anyways, i wasnt getting paid for this, and also, noone would believe me lol.

You know what, i'm putting JOTO here just so you can check it out and see for yourselves. I woulda uploaded it "as is" (read unprotected) but since im not done with it, i wont for now. Then its up to u guys to believe me or not lol. No like i care much anyways (just wanted to say it, so that i said it, ya know?...)
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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeSat May 30, 2009 11:46 pm

I was thinking if u can make a map that The Legion is fighting with the other races.
But it's gonna be 3v1 so u better make The Legion quite strong for an even game.
U can also give them more place to build (if they build).
And it will be cool if u place the world tree in the middle of the map.
U can add some of your ideas and it will be a cool map.
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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2009 4:35 am

Uhh, that is pretty much the battle with archimonde for the World Tree, aint it?
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Colossus class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Colossus class)

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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2009 11:54 am

Pretty much what my first map was about....
With heroes that are people from my clan though Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 02, 2009 10:09 am

No. It's a battle with the whole Legion.
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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 02, 2009 10:10 am

There's a big deference.
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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 02, 2009 10:12 am

Because Archimonde is not fighting alone.
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Chaos Colossus Helper (Colossus class)
Chaos Colossus Helper (Colossus class)

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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 02, 2009 10:21 am

He isn't. There were many minions that were no match for him but he still wasn't alone lol.
And it wasn't Archimonde, it was me. Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Post your map ideas here, who knows..   Post your map ideas here, who knows.. Icon_minitime

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