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 Changelog 0.66d (the fix part 3)

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Changelog 0.66d (the fix part 3) Empty
PostSubject: Changelog 0.66d (the fix part 3)   Changelog 0.66d (the fix part 3) Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 7:39 am

-Heroes with less than 10% of their max hp are now in a much weakened state. They can only cast their safety spells (jump, blink, heal).
-Defender heroes should no longer get instakilled by Rain of Chaos, or anything else.

-Sudden death (colossi) can no longer kill heroes.
-Friendly heroes can no longer kill each other.
-Colossus max damage increased by 45.
-Women and builders (orange) movespeed nerfed dramatically. They were faster than colossi and chaos units.
-Jump and crush scales better now: higher range atlower levels, less range at max level.

-Guardian angels and the Spirits of the great elders can now kill colossi
-various typos
-Minimum hp for low hp heroes is now 10 instead of 1.
-In the name of chaos now has a visible hotkey, that no longer collides with Chaos attack.
-Slightly reworked sound volumes.
-Hero heads in death scenes should no longer stay facing the other hero no matter what.

-Triggers for herospecialdeaths are now recycled
-Setup is now made with an int A loop maxed at heronumber which is now the amount of antideath trigs

-removed ALOT of obsolete spells and obsolete triggers and buffs.
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Changelog 0.66d (the fix part 3)
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