Well this last scenario never was possible either, because when the death scene ends, i added a "cooldown" to it of 8 seconds, meaning if by any chance you have 1 hp and u're hit by a hero before that "cooldown" is over, nothing happens to you.
You can check it out by playing 0.66 in the oberver slot, the triggers are sending codes to the observer to tell him how the process is running.
When the death scene cooldown is over, this message: "_betatest note: Death is re-possible_" will pop up
(only for player brown, though).
However i warn you it could get annoying, because you also get a message whenever the invul for any hero fires, which means whenever someone is able to be Death scened and he takes ANY damage, you'll have a popup :p
It doesnt bother me becuz it has a use to me, but for u guys i think its gonna be a pain lulz.