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 Goblin Dominions screenshots

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PostSubject: Goblin Dominions screenshots   Goblin Dominions screenshots Icon_minitimeTue Jan 05, 2010 8:44 pm

Goblin Dominions screenshots Assaul11

Goblin Dominions screenshots Explos10

Goblin Dominions screenshots Victor10

Goblin Dominions screenshots Gd_end10

Goblin Dominions screenshots Outpos11

Goblin Dominions screenshots Outpos11
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Flash Poster
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Goblin Dominions screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: Goblin Dominions screenshots   Goblin Dominions screenshots Icon_minitimeWed Jan 06, 2010 8:28 am

They look nice, only the text and HUD screws it up Razz, especially in the fourth picture, if the "Next Income" wasn't there and the text, it would had been an awesome screenshot.
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Posts : 926
Join date : 2008-05-27

Goblin Dominions screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: Goblin Dominions screenshots   Goblin Dominions screenshots Icon_minitimeWed Jan 06, 2010 11:17 am

Ah i see, i wasn't good enough at making cinematics back then to take care of that.
What's HUD btw?
I'm disappointed that there weren't larger battle scenes with big stuff like dutchies and juggernauts.
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PostSubject: Re: Goblin Dominions screenshots   Goblin Dominions screenshots Icon_minitime

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