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 JOTO Changelog 0.82c (the resurrection, part 3)

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Join date : 2008-05-27

JOTO Changelog 0.82c (the resurrection, part 3) Empty
PostSubject: JOTO Changelog 0.82c (the resurrection, part 3)   JOTO Changelog 0.82c (the resurrection, part 3) Icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 5:16 am

-Aero forces 1/2 now have much more damage, less hp, and shoot slower.

-The repicking system should now work (at all).

-icon for hasardous perfume

-Removed another thousand of useless trees.

-disabled many useless triggers, improving overall performance.
-fixed the leaks in the repick trigger
-repick should now be MUI

-Removed alot of redefinings of hqmianloc, hqayunloc, TempUnit and TempUnitType
-Fixed alot of periodic TempUnitGroup leaks
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JOTO Changelog 0.82c (the resurrection, part 3)
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